2015: The Upgrade

2015 2015, eh? Sure. I guess I can get on board with that. Some people find it tedious to set goals and resolutions year after year, but I always look forward to it. Even if I don’t end up crossing everything off my list, at least I took the time to work towards something. At the beginning of 2014 I blogged about how it will be the year that everything changes, and it was. Last year I made the transition from having a job, to starting a career. I’ve been interested in event planning for a long time, and I was lucky enough to get hired by Events by Emma to plan galas, company holiday parties, and weddings. And let me tell you, those weddings were a lot of work, but still enjoyable to coordinate.


Human Resources Management Awards Dinner


Special Olympics Manitoba Wine Festival


July Wedding


August Wedding

The experience I gained from my first big-girl job led me to an even bigger transition, a job opportunity in Alberta. I’ve always known I wanted to move out of Winnipeg eventually, and although I’ve been to Calgary several times to visit my cousin, Alberta wasn’t really on my radar. But a job opening for an event planner at a college came across my path. It was a scary leap to take, but I promised myself that I would have more adventures, and this felt like one that needed to happen.


MB book club buddies living in AB.


Cold Lake, AB.


St. Paul, AB.


Lac La Biche, AB (home.)

So yes, 2014 was the year everything changed. I know big changes are going to continue to happen for years to come, and I’m looking forward to it! Last year I decided to assign a theme or title to each upcoming year; last year’s theme was Getting Shit Done. This year…is the year of: The Upgrade. 2015 is the year I’m going to spend a lot of time working on myself, and building my future. I mean, I’m pretty cool and all, but one can always be cooler. Here’s a few items on this year’s upgrade list:

  1. Portfolio – One of the reasons I accepted the new job in Alberta is because it allows a lot of room for creativity and initiative. Event planning is the main part of my job, but I also get the chance to dabble in marketing and social media.
  2. Health – My health can definitely use an improvement. Every year I plan to make big changes in my diet and exercise routine, but these changes tend to fall by the wayside. Not this year! Tomorrow is the beginning for an 8-week fit challenge happening at work, and a weight loss challenge amongst friends. I’m excited to see my results from both!
  3. Financial planning – I know how to budget my money…I just don’t. This year? I will.
  4. Transportation – I went from taking the bus all around town in Winnipeg, to walking everywhere in Lac La Biche. I’m 26 going on 27 in two months. Time for some wheels.
  5. Travel – My list of places travelled to needs to be longer, and upgraded with more interesting destinations. Anyone want to go on an adventure with me?

Sing it, Beyonce!

One thought on “2015: The Upgrade

  1. […] years ago I started declaring a theme of the year for myself. Last year was The Upgrade, and the year before that was Getting Shit Done. I find giving myself a motivational theme gets me […]

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