Monthly Archives: February 2016

One Week. One Month.

CloverIn exactly one week from today, my #SCBlaunch will finally come to life. For weeks I’ve been giving you hints on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and yes…even Pinterest! And sure, I may have spilled some of the beans to a few of you already, but for the most part I’ve kept a tight lid on this project. Let me tell you why!

I have a lot of great friends and family whose opinions I value Zac Efron and Robert De Niro show off slightly different physiques as they both go shirtless while filming a scene for 'Dirty Grandpa'dearly. I feel fortunate that I have people in my life who I can talk to about my goals, my dreams, and my crush on Zac Efron. Mind you my Zac Efron obsession has faded substantially over the last couple of years, but some of the feelings are still there. I mean, look at them abs!

Although I have a number of people I can talk to about this launch, I chose to keep it slightly under wraps because I didn’t want to get thrown too far off course. It’s great when people want to share their opinions and their suggestions with you, but sometimes it can be overwhelming and distracting. When I have too many ideas coming my way, it sometimes makes me spend too much time questioning my original plans, which doesn’t often leave a lot of time for revisions. I’m not saying that I’m so amazeballs I don’t need anyone else’s input, or that I have everything figured out, or that my launch is going to go exactly how I want it to. There will be mistakes, and there will be setbacks. I just feel that leading up to the big reveal I need to steer clear of the white noise so I can focus. Once SCB is revealed and has been out there in the universe for a few weeks, that’s when I’ll start freaking out and start asking, “Does this sound right? Does that look okay? Should I be doing this instead”?

Until then, I have one more week to pull everything together. February 17th is the big day and I can’t wait to share this reveal with you!

HeadshotAlright, that takes care of the one week part. Onto the one month thing. On March 10th, I shall be turning 28. Now I know that doesn’t sound like a big deal; I mean it’s not a milestone birthday or anything. But still, 28 feels like a big number. I feel like a lot of us have a nice long list of things we’d like to accomplish by the time we’re 30. Marriage, a kid or two, a nice house, a great career, the works! Even though I’m “only” 27 and am technically a “young” woman (depending on who you ask), I can’t help but feel that time is ticking too fast. There are so many things I want to do and for some reason, I keep telling myself I need to do a lot of them within the next two years so I can feel like a successful 30-year-old. But instead of focusing on this imaginary clock I’ve created and watch like a hawk, I’m going to try my best to enjoy the rest of my twenties. No I’m not married yet, but that means I can pick up and move anytime I want. I don’t have any cute little babies running around, but I have the opportunity to explore the world freely as long as my bank account allows for it. Now I’m not saying I’m going to completely give up on the things I set out to do before the big 3-0. I’m just going to spend a bit more time reminding myself that I don’t have to do it all, and that not checking everything off my list doesn’t make me a failure. The one thing I will allow myself to obsess over is this launch! Focusing on this one thing will help everything else fall into place when the time is right.

Since you all have been very supportive these last few weeks, I’ve decided to spill every last bean a couple of days early on Periscope! If you’re getting a little anxious and want the inside scoop before the 17th, join me on Periscope on February 15th at 6:00 p.m. MST – @CharmsJJ. Let’s chat!

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